How efficient are your 1:1's?


The B.I.A.S.® methodology stands for "Before, In, After, Structure".
It's a powerful model to help managers understand how well they conduct 1:1’s with their talents, how aligned is their process given the situation and what can they do to improve its impact.

What is it ?

●  Free online questionnaire
●  Confidential answers and results
●  60 questions
●  20-25 minutes
●  Full custom report

Why does it matter ?

● Improve your 1:1 conversations
● Save time & gain efficiency
● Empower your team
● Scale your business
● Unlock your talents’ potential

What to
expect ?

●  7 pages
●  Industry comparaison
●  Actionnable items
●  Custom recommendations


Book individual coaching sessions with your mentor to truly develop yourself.


Ask for feedback on newly implemented strategies and fine-tune your approach.

Contact us

Managers, develop yourself with advanced coaching that fits your needs.