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We've identified 26 common challenges.
Get fresh perspectives and ideas to tackle them.
Customer value
Time management
Role efficiency
Call efficiency
Motivation - Mission
Portfolio management
Increase volume of calls
Sales (hunters and farmers) spend only 30% of their time actually calling their partners. Yep, that’s pretty low all things considered. Make sure to stabilise your quality while improving slowly your quantity.
Lead qualitative calls
We tend to pay attention to “Salesy” and “Extravert” type of sales reps calls. Call Quality relies on having a clear calling structure, sales methodology, objection handling playbook, valuable customer insights, educated hypothesis and concrete goals. How do you want to improve your calls and closing if you don’t know what to aim for? Hence the importance of mapping out clear guidelines and having a coaching routine.
Shorten meetings and calls duration
Many studies show that top performers spend less time per call: counter-intuitive right? Having shorter sales calls can boost your performance as a sales professional for several reasons: increase in productivity, improve the quality of the call, enhance customer experience, help laser-focused line of questioning and identify true problems, gives more opportunity to prepare for the next call, while improving your time management and gives more flexibility to work around your agenda and focus on other things.
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