Building blocks

My expertise covers strategic themes such as onboarding programs, middle-management coaching, process improvement, sales pitch, team routines and floor animation.

See below the results.

Case study - Ouihelp

New Qualified Leads

Generated per Sales Reps between Q1 2023 and Q4 2023.
🏎️ +21.21% generated 6 months after my arrival. 
📈 +31.20% YoY (Q4 2024 vs Q4 2023).

Case study - Kheops

New Deals per Head

Between 2023 and H1-2024 :
- We increased the number of new signatures by 3
within my first three months in T1 2024
- And by 4 in T2 2024 compared to 2023 average 🚀🚀🚀🚀
Watch the testimonial from Caroline, Co-founder Kheops

Case study - Ankorstore

Quota Achievement

In H1 2022, among 150 Sales Reps :
- Group A1 received intense coaching leveraging my methodology
- Group A2+B received very little or no coaching whatsoever
My group outperformed the others 5 months out of 6 !
Read the full study here


🇫🇷 Développer l'équipe commerciale via l'enablement

Dans cet épisode nous allons parler d'enablement au sens large : en tant qu'operating partner par quoi on commence en prenant une mission d'enablement alors qu'on ne connait encore rien de l'équipe commerciale ?"

🇫🇷 Comment réussir l’onboarding de tes Sales ?

✔️ Les enjeux et étapes clés d’un parcours d’onboarding bien ficelé
✔️ Les exemples du parcours d’onboarding Sales dans une licorne
✔️ Les bonnes pratiques d’un onboarding à distance

🇬🇧 How to unleash full sales efficiency ?

Want to learn how to make your sales team more productive and increase sales outputs? This roundtable should provide plenty of inspiration to boost your team's performance with best in class Sales Enablement!

Book a free discovery call

Let's talk ?

⭐ 100% satisfaction
👤 +300 sales talents coached
🌐 13 countries
🇫🇷 🇬🇧 🇺🇸